Thursday, 19 September 2024

Taylor: What's still wrong with TV8

I would like to clear up a few issues misconstrued and unfortunately expressed by Terri Larsen who apparently is acting as program director for the PEG station for the city of Clearlake. She (and her crew) replaced the former provisional manger, Allen Markowski and his crew (with rather questionable procedures – having no by-laws), by the city of Clearlake and the TV8 PEG Board engineered a lockout of the station from public access. It is the nature of the city and board’s actions, in this regard, that has been my focus of criticism and not the current volunteers. I have already wished Terri and the new crew the best, in a former commentary, but she has since made erroneous and inflammatory statements against and about the former crew. A little background.

Markowski had gathered a growing number of volunteers who, interestingly, had just received letters of appreciation from the city a short time before the lockdown and their dismissal. Markowski was lifting the former retarded and public access part of the PEG station out its obscurity, and against what appears to be a longstanding opposition to the “public” part of Public, Education, and Government (PEG) station by the city. This opposition was reflected by keeping the station cloistered in a small cubicle at city hall with old and dated equipment, under-funding, a previous station manager that only maintained the station a few hours a week, and no outreach to obtain volunteers.

Since about 2007 and the beginning of 2008 a PEG Board of Directors was created but showed little more than a token advisory capacity, having established no by-laws, and meeting once a month, if that, at 7 or 7:30 in the morning at Best Western in Clearlake (these meetings were supposed to be public meetings but who of the public would attend at that time?).

All was fine, in the obscurity and dysfunction of the public part of public access until Markowski began to make the station more functional in that regard, even if still primitive in the early stages of development. New equipment was obtained, some donated by those who wanted to see the station more operational. But this became a problem. Dale Neiman threw Markowski out of city hall as he seemed to be in the way, disturbing the routine of things, such as suggesting the station could now do live broadcasting of council meetings where the objections were strong. (I wonder why). This became the first shutdown. Overcoming that objection, and moving the PEG station to its present production room, Markowski continuously labored, as an unpaid volunteer, to improve the operational aspects of the station, and creating more local input and volunteers.

One must wonder if the second lockout and replacement of all the volunteers was also not a function of this same city mentality which never wanted a public access station but only the routine education and government part to collect monies from Mediacom, without the all the bother of public exposure. But the station was a PEG station and now they had to assume more visible control as it developed, but again without by-laws or proper procedural operation by the TV8 Board of Directors. This inadequacy of structure, lack of informed understanding of PEG standards, and poor communication resulted in the second lockout of the station, or at least appears so on the surface.

There is the history of the station, as mentioned, to consider but also suspect that which may appear behind the nature of the remarks by Judy Thein in a city budget meeting a short time before the lockout. Roy Simons confronted Joyce Overton (both Clearlake City Council members) in a public meeting (during the lockout) dealing with TV8 issues, with the statement that Judy Thein had said, vociferously, they had to get rid of TV8 and Allen Markowski. What? It may be that programming issues with imported videos were only, in part, used as a pretext for the lockout and the disposing of Markowski and others who predictably seemed not to follow the orders desired by the TV8 PEG Board of Directors, a board which consequently has apparently violated all sort of State and possibly Federal law while maintaining an appearance of authority.

Here are my responses to Terri Larsen:

“1. There has been no censorship whatsoever at TV8, by the board or management.”

False. Censorship involves restricting videos as to content in the manner suggested by the TV8 Board that determined certain videos were not to their liking (as opposed to the many viewers who liked to see them and to determine for themselves the issues raised by them). The TV8 Board, dictatorially stated no non-local videos would be shown during prime time – in spite of the fact there was no conflict showing local broadcasting during that time due to the lack of local material (such material which always had precedence anyway) even though the members manual stated that non-local material of any kind (material not rendered obscene) could be substituted rather than showing an empty screen.

“2. There have been NO 'Dictatorial' processes involved in TV8 since I have taken over. My staff and I choose the programming with no supervision by the PEG Board and the city.”

False. The board participated with the new crew in changing the members manual to reflect their programming desires, restricting imported videos from prime time. While some recent changes in programming may reflect a more reasonable consideration of imported videos, this was not the case previously. Since Terri Larsen has taken over, overt dictatorship by the board may have abated , but covert control is maintained with a lack of adequate procedural governmental structure and safeguards for volunteers.

“3. There was never any denial of freedom of speech, nor is there any restriction on what is being played.”

False. See response to number 1.

“4. It seems to me that Maurice and his cronies are just spoiled little boys who are angry that they are no longer allowed to continue to broadcast paranoid conspiracy theories all the time, creating an atmosphere of fear and anxiety throughout the community.”

False. Given the issues involved, to characterize the former volunteers in such a false and derogatory manner is unbecoming for a representative of a TV8 PEG station owned by the city. It does a disservice to the former volunteers and is an apparent example of a combined political diversion and possibly a personality deficit in dealing with these issues. It’s also, in part, of what the board would like to hear, and represents the attitude of the board to cover a variety of its questionable actions made by them.

Apparently, the board did not feel Lake County citizens should know (in their manipulation of programming, and replacement of previous volunteers) what is going on in the rest of the country, and right here in Lake County. By Terri stating that such videos are “paranoid conspiracy theories” already suggests a censorship orientation and a “review” of related videos is now meant to categorize such videos as acceptable or not based upon some specious idea of what “conspiracy” means, perhaps defined by board members. That’s censorship. Such past videos were not broadcast all the time, and were not characterized as being violent. And by what evidence available is it true they produced fear and anxiety throughout the community? A few emails by some, does not represent the many who stated otherwise. While Terri may feel it necessary to walk some line to appease the board and city, such statements made to do so, are bogus. They in fact sound a bit like a paranoid conspiracy used as political dogma to promote the dubious transition and dismissal of the former crew. There were far more favorable responses to those videos, so categorized, than unfavorable. Markowski was also working to have Free Speech TV’s “Democracy Now” on the programming agenda.

There is 19.6 percent unemployment in Lake County. Why? What economic corporate-government manipulation created that condition? What mentality invaded Iraq with lies perpetrated by our government? Why don’t we have adequate health care? At what point does a government and media supported lie while branding opposition to the lie as “paranoid conspiracy,” become a cultural documentary about the truth avoided? Doesn’t the board trust citizens enough to allow them to make up their own minds or are they only allowed to see what the board says they should see? The reason for free speech and a station such as a PEG station is to allow for a wide range of views, all views, some of which may not be to the liking of some, and in particular, the current TV8 Board, which has chosen to restrict not only what THEY deem as “conspiracy,” but all non-local videos in certain limited ways.

“5. The old volunteers have been offered to participate in the process of the new TV8 multiple times, yet not one of them have showed up at the strategic planning meetings or any other times we have asked for their participation. They should step up and be a part of it instead of criticizing from their ivory towers. Walk the walk, do not just talk the talk.”

False. To participate in a fraudulent-like structure that has shut down the TV8 PEG station more than once for lack of adequate structure (no by-laws), lack of knowledge, lack of support and dubious political control, is not a desirable work condition. It may even be hazardous to health. As for ivory towers, that appears to be the position of and the board, and with Terri Larsen in denial of the facts. Still, this is not to say I am not in support of whatever improvements may occur with the current TV8 programming and crew participation.

“6. We are not requiring that 'import' videos only be played twice, as we do have a shortage of material. Import videos will now be played two times a week, once a month, with non-obscene and nonviolent videos during prime time.”

Ah now, the realization there is a shortage of material. Very good. So with a little communication and proper governing structure, possibly, there was no need for lockout and to dismiss all the volunteers. Note that if you want an additional broadcast channel it will require 56 broadcast hours of local non-repeated material for three consecutive months. Terri Larsen may be doing more outreach to then eventually obtain more locally produced material and volunteers, which is good, and that’s just what Markowki was doing. Of course, she may run into opposition if too successful, and the volunteers may leave if they discover how dictatorial the operation.

“10. The simple fact is that the current staff are receiving NO direction from the PEG Board, the city, the county or anyone else regarding programming. If anyone has a problem with what we are running and when they need to talk to our programmer, Jed Choate, or myself. He and I are the only ones who make any decisions regarding any programming.”

False. The programming has already been dictated by the board and is still in place. And Terri is in compliance, but with apparently some recent improvements as to programming. Very good, and now that she has taken over the dictatorship, perhaps she might define, or have the board define “conspiracy” videos so as not to mistake them for a documentary with relevant facts for which citizens might like to make up their own minds, and so as not to treat them like “obscene” material or restrict it if they have some unknown personal level of unacceptable violence. Of course, the Supreme Court has not dealt with the issue of “conspiracy” videos as it has with “obscene” material. I wonder why. In any case I’m sure Terri will do the right thing, knowing, like the board, what is proper for the citizens of Lake County. This of course, apparently, is not to be construed as censorship.

“12. Perhaps Mr. Taylor's continuous campaign of inaccurate propaganda is designed to misinform and confuse people in retaliation to the station being taken out of the hands of the true dictators.”

False. Where is the inaccuracy? And there is no retaliation. Again, false accusation. The focus has not been on the current crew, but upon the actions of theTV8 Board and the city, But here in her use of “retaliation” is demonstrated a form of misdirection and inaccurate propaganda designed to misinform and confuse. Commentary has been based upon a description of behavior, with the facts, which tend to speak for themselves if known, much of which is recorded on tape, and where some interpretation may be necessary but still for all to see. Perhaps we will see who is misinforming who.

“17. My vision for TV8 (which Mr. Taylor has never asked for) is to provide a television station that will provide local programming that will enhance our community, instill and engage the viewer in thought, and give everyone the opportunity to have a voice. There has never been any intention to deny anyone access to TV8. That is not what we stand for, and the PEG Board and the city and county has never asked me to make any changes in programming. This is all propaganda from uninformed people.”

Terri Larsen’s vision for TV8 PEG is no different than mine or the previous crew, and so we agree here about “vision.” But again, the TV8 Board changed the programming hours and the content for prime-time, restricting import videos. Having done this, their political manipulation of programming (the reason Shawn Swatoch left the TV8 Board), they then would not need to make any other changes in programming as such. The rest is their own attempt to misinform (and Terri's via negative propaganda against the former crew) to cover their own lack of knowledge and informed status regarding free speech and the public access nature of the PEG operation. The board is in denial regarding their cause of Shawn’s resignation, and Terry is apparently in compliance.

“19. Censorship has never been an issue, it never was. The PEG Board requested the previous management use more consideration in the playing of videos that were continuously playing during prime time and upset some people. They simply asked that these videos be played at a more appropriate time, which the previous staff misconstrued and overreacted to creating this big mess. They have no one else to blame but themselves for the way TV8 went down.”

False. What is really sad and pathetic is that apparently neither Terri Larsen nor the current TV8 Board understand what censorship is about in their denial. The TV8 Board did not simply advise that more consideration be given regarding certain videos, but demanded and programmed for a limitation of certain videos for political reason, and did so without due deliberation with others involved. Again, apparently no consideration is given to the fact that Shawn Swatoch resigned from the TV8 Board due to the Board’s actions regarding this programming. Censorship and inappropriate programming was never an issue? Wake up!

“22. No one has denied any first amendment rights, no one is censoring anything, this is just the paranoid delusions of sad people who no longer have the power and wish they still did. It is time to move on and get a life.”

False. “Power,” political power, was and is the issue with the city of Clearlake and the TV8 Board gang of three (Joyce Overton, Jeff Smith, Ed Robey). That’s why they shut out the volunteers and public access more than once – via the city administrator.

The TV8 PEG station, in terms of a true freedom of speech and 1st Amendment rights, granted within the PEG structure, was a potential threat. Public access by a citizenry is a threat to governing powers with something to hide, hiding behind appearance as a government doing business, but without proper rules and regulations in place, to maintain power and decisions over a citizenry. This fear shut the PEG station down more than once.

Fear and the maintenance of a dubious political power and control is also the reason behind the illegal manipulation of programming, and the conflict with “conspiracy” videos. Safeguards against such manipulation by governmental powers were, and still are not in place within the governing structure of the City of Clearlake and the TV8 Board of Directors, or even the county in regard to TV8. But they are in place regarding constitutional law.

And this is the real issue here not Terri Larsen’s sad and uninformed position, no matter how she may present herself, however well meaning, or how she may improve TV8 (which I am all for). No by-laws, violations of the Brown Act, and the like, have resulted in what transpired to maintain a dictator-like power over programming and volunteers. This is not rumor. Yes, they would like to “get on with it” and avoid the real causes, naturally. But denial of real cause tends for history to repeat.

If Terri Larsen wants to be a part of the solution then a deeper examination of fact is warranted, rather than name calling and diversionary negative propaganda designed to obstruct the truth which perpetuates political appearance and Machiavellian interests.

Maurice Taylor lives in Clearlake.

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