Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Protect the seeds

The myth of better productivity and reduced environmental danger, long promoted as the benefits of genetic engineering in plants and animals, has now been exploded. It is only better for the patent holders, intellectual property seekers, and corporate conglomerates. It is in their best interests to keep the consumer ignorant. Science is no longer the neutral Switzerland of pure curiosity it once was, if it ever was, and fewer than 5 percent of all scientists are now economically dependent of corporate sponsors. Ninety-five percent are paid to skew or engineer their results to favorably reflect on the interests of their “sponsors.” The democracy of science no longer represents the consumer.

No laws exist that limit biological pollution — biological contamination is potentially much more dangerous than chemical. Recent studies indicate that only 60 transgenic fish introduced into a population of 60,000 wild fish led to the extinction of the entire species group in as little as 40 generations and in a storm off the Atlantic Coast up to 100,000 farmed Atlantic Salmon escaped. Biologically engineered species destruction is exponential. Transgenics do not coexist in the wild, they invade and ultimately destroy all natural competitors — this is true of fish, pigs, cows, sheep, soybeans, canola, corn & rice. Diversity is destroyed in the name of scientific progress. There is no natural uncontaminated soy or canola seed left on the whole continent of Canada. Similar contamination and destruction of corn cultivars is occurring in Mexico and in India, of the original 200,000 cultivars of rice, only 256 varieties remain today. Today, seed, and plants themselves are being patented in the US Patent Office to corporations like Monsanto and Bayer. Only seed activists are bucking this tide.

Even human genomes are being studies for patenting. Native peoples in danger of extinction have been targeted by corporate pharmaceutical giants to bring back blood samples in the hope of discovering new and potentially patentable characteristics. A company actually convinced the Icelandic government to allow data mining of every patient medical record of every citizen in Iceland for genome research that specifically goes to pharmaceutical and life and medical insurance giants. The myth of miracle cures — pushing the fetal implant, gene therapy, and stem cell research projects is not only naïve, but dangerous.  Ultimately, designing an a new and improved child may seem like a good idea to some parents — at least until they have their next child and improved technology allowed for significant improvements over the first. We may reach a point where our these children become obsolete, like Windows 95 compared to the Windows 2003 editions of technological human development upgrades.

The control technique of plant and animal contamination today is a terminator technology or engineered sterility. Scientists claim these technologies will effectively protect the environment but the pollen from terminator genes has been proven to cause sterility even in the seeds of other, unrelated species of plants. All this technology seems to represent the Cartesian model that all life is a machine, a mechanistic myth that promotes the idea that genes are the tinker toys of scientific progress and life may be creatively engineered — a kind of manifest destiny applied to the natural world.

Experimental data now exists to confirm that in consuming genetically altered DNA, organisms may incorporate that DNA rather than eliminating it. This calls into question the safety of consuming transgenic foods, yet there are no laws governing the labeling of fish, vegetables or meats in the US today that tells us if the products we consume are transgenic. New evidence seems to indicate that transgenic experiments in the real ecosystem may generate alarming disease rates and extreme species contamination, even to the point of species extinction. This lack of labeling is part of an intentional effort to keep us ignorant & misinformed while we are made the control group test subjects for corporate patent holders. It’s certainly cheaper than real science. We are the new guinea pigs. By supporting organics and seed activism, we can resist corporate science, protect our fragile ecosystem, and help make healthy alternatives affordable for our grandchildren.

James BlueWolf




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