Thursday, 19 September 2024

Williams: Does our vote matter?


Will my vote count? So often voters think it just won’t matter.

I’m a Democrat and an Obama supporter (since before the primaries) but the Hope or Dream he represents – whatever you want to call it – is still far off.

In order to "appear" to have legitimacy and attract essential, mainstream media coverage, candidates conform to a path that appears safe and pleasing to a majority of people, contributors, lobbyists ( not necessarily in that order). In trying to appeal to them all, our candidates end up preserving the status quo.

Hopefully, Obama will continue to offer real hope for change – but, that is not the candidate he appears to be right now. An essential improvement over a Bush or McCain presiduncy, yes, but he and both parties need to be reminded that we want real change. So ...

I encourage you to visit Ralph Nader's web site., listen to his interviews, read his message. If you like what you hear – help him, yourself and the country.

Nader would agree with me – we’re not going to "elect" Ralph Nader or risk a McCain win – it is about pulling the two party candidates towards representing the people, real issues and exposing the corrupt, corporate oligarchy that has entrenched our country in debt and looming failures.

I would ONLY vote for Nader in a "SAFE" state, such as California where McCain can’t win – although, given the state of recent affairs, I would warn that could change. I hope Dems and Nader voters will be honest when polled so we’ll know if there is real cause for concern.

Ron Paul supporters should check Nader out, too. Some will find a truer, more tested voice for many of your concerns as well and could make a real statement with your votes.

When you consider "left" or "right" think of a circle, where the "fringes" meet is where we find universal agreement on issues that are only given lip service by "centrists."

But no one has done more to protect the average citizen, the environment and fight corporate corruption than Ralph Nader, So give him a listen, then YOU decide if he is "fringe." See:

Next cycle I hope we get more – lean, mean, green / Dem and Rep candidates on ballots in areas where two party dissatisfaction is highest. They might run as major party but with real principals and heavy Green/Peace and Freedom participation or as an alternative where there is no challenger from the major party opposition – gathering opposition votes and attracting defectors from the entrenched party. If successful, these representatives could form the core of a more powerful green caucus within the two parties, that transcends the two parties and exposes their corruption.

So, while we are offering our country HOPE with our support for Obama, consider supporting real change and ACTION with your vote for Nader/Gonzales!

This year, consider making YOUR VOTE COUNT – FOR A CHANGE!

Tim Williams lives in Clearlake.


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