Thursday, 19 September 2024

Willig: Defeating Prop 8 will advance equal justice for all

I strongly recommend a no vote on Proposition 8, the Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry Proposition.

I know that for many the opposition to same-sex marriage is based on their deeply held and cherished religious faith and from them and all other proponents of Proposition 8 I ask for a moment so that I may explain my profound opposition to this change to California's Constitution.


Twenty eight years ago as a young woman and man my wife and I took that greatest of all leaps of faith – we got married. Like young people all over the world, we found ourselves in love and decided to join together that love and friendship and our lives in marriage. And in all that I have done in my 52 years on this earth that is the source of my greatest joy and happiness. Through thick and thin we have stayed together and built a life and family together. That opportunity, the opportunity to marry and create families and lives together, should be available to all including those that love someone of the same sex.


The laws of our country and our state are the laws of man. They are written by man and subject to change, as is man and the society that we build. Of course many of the people who participate in the construction of our laws are informed by and have deep religious faith. They bring that faith with them as they represent themselves and others when law is made and changed.

But this should not be confused with representing God or God's will; they perform man's work in constructing law. Many of the truly profound changes our nation and its laws have experienced over the years have been the subject of controversy and soul searching with heartfelt differences expressed by both sides of many issues. In a democracy that is as it should be.

But over the long stretch of history, with many a bump and false start and many times a step back even as we step forward, our nation has changed for the better. Our laws have evolved so that it is understood that equal protection for all means just that, equal protection for all – including persons who are members of minorities whether that is an ethnic minority, religious minority or a minority based on something else, like sexual orientation.


This November in California we have an opportunity to advance the cause of equal justice for all. By defeating Proposition 8 we will send a message to our nation and to the world that a new page has been turned in the cause of freedom and equality.

Together let us affirm that when people of the same sex love each other we welcome that love, we respect that love and that we as a society wish them happiness as they embrace in marriage.

It may be that your convictions hold that a marriage between two people of the same sex violates your understanding of God's law. I and others who oppose Proposition 8 have no wish to alter your beliefs or your religious convictions. The California State Constitution is the work of men and women not God. It is designed by mortal men and women to protect all Californians whatever their ethic background, religious belief or sexual orientation. It assures each of us the right to equal protection under the law.

Our society has changed. Men and women can choose same-sex marriage as a matter of equality. I believe with all my heart that this is a good thing; you may not.

But please consider it as a right won by individuals who are part of a minority that only wishes to fully participate in our state and nation as free and equal citizens, just like me and just like you.

Please vote no on Proposition 8.


Evan R Willig lives in Cobb.


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